6 Words Activity

This is (possibly) the shortest post on this blog. I’d like to share how one ELT idea found me twice in the past 2 weeks. As the title suggests, it is about 6 Words. I remember Hana’s post about it quite some time ago.

First, I wrote a post for International Teacher Development Institute’s blog in the issue called Teaching English in Your Country. I wrote about Ukraine, and there are three more posts about ELT in Greece (by Theodora Papapanagiotou), Czech Republic (by Hana Ticha), and Morocco (by Aziz Soubai).

The format I chose was … 6 words about ELT in my home country. I had been thinking, writing and re-writing the piece until I had that idea, and then the puzzle ‘sorted itself’. 

The second time I used this same idea was at a presentation for other teachers in my home city Dnipro, Ukraine. The session was called ‘Exciting Writing’ and I shared how adding a certain limit to the piece we create in L2/L1 may provide some insight and inspiration. I took an idea of a ‘story in a matchbox’ and put my 6 word about ELT in Ukraine there to illustrate what I was talking about.

I will be sharing the link with the session attendees and hope to have some feedback and/or follow up conversations.

Question to readers: What would be your 6 words about teaching English in your country/context/culture?

Thank you for reading 🙂

About Zhenya

ELT: teacher educator, trainer coach, reflective practice addict https://wednesdayseminars.wordpress.com/.
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2 Responses to 6 Words Activity

  1. Sandy Millin says:

    How does the story in a matchbox activity work? It sounds very intriguing 🙂


  2. Zhenya says:

    Thanks Sandy! Originally the point was to offer very small pieces of paper to let students (teens, I guess) create a mini story piece. My adaptation was about 6 words in a box. The words can come from the teacher, or from the other students (and/or from the course book unit, vocab section, etc.)
    Would be interesting to see how else people adapt it. 🙂


Eager to hear what you think!